Bob Danzig Booking Info

Business Leader Bob Danzig spent his childhood shuffling from one foster home to another, never quite belonging. When he got his first job as an office boy at the Albany Times Union, the newspaper became his family. Encouraged by a caring boss, he spent three years in the Navy, went to college nights for five years; was awarded a Journalism fellowship to Stanford University; and nineteen years after walking in the door as an office boy, became Publisher of the Times Union. Seven years later, he was named President of all Hearst Newspapers nationwide. In the next two decades, he led the 6,000 employee/colleague company to a renaissance of talent, strategic purpose, and 100 fold profit growth, earning him industry-wide respect for his innovative marketing leadership. To date, he has spoken to over a million people. Bob is the Dean Emeritus of the Hearst Management Institute; a Foster Care Advocate; and author of: The Diamond in the Coal Bucket, Fresh Start Moments, The Leader Within You, Conversations with Bobby, Every Child Deserves A Champion, Angel Threads, Shakespeare Lives on Cape Cod, Vitamins for the Spirit, Business Gems, and You Are Full of Promise.To read more, go to:

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