Josh Dorfman Booking Info

Josh Dorfman is a climate change solutions entrepreneur and author who has built his career at the intersection of sustainability, technology, and media. He is CEO of The Collider, a global innovation center for weather and climate data startups that help communities, companies, and consumers become resilient to climate change impacts. Previously, Josh launched and led, an Amazon e-commerce business unit specializing in natural, organic, and sustainable products. Earlier, he was VP Marketing for GoodGuide, a "Fast company 50" startup providing data-driven shopping tools to inform green, healthy, and ethical purchases. Earlier in his career, Josh was Creator, Author, Executive Producer, and Host of The Lazy Environmentalist, an award-winning media brand that helped everyday Americans discover easy and delightful ways to green their lives. Josh built the business from a blog into a book series, a reality TV show on Sundance Channel, and a daily radio show on Sirius Satellite Radio. At the same time, Josh was founder & CEO of Vivavi, a modern design, sustainable furniture startup, named to Inc. Magazine’s “Green 50” as a pioneer accelerating the green economy. Prior to joining The Collider, Josh led Venture Asheville, a public-private initiative to build Asheville’s high-growth entrepreneurial ecosystem. He co-founded and was Managing Director of Asheville Angels, an angel investor group with over 20 portfolio investments in renewable energy, EV infrastructure, AgTech and Biotech. Josh is a frequent speaker on the role of entrepreneurship and innovation in sustainability at places such as Google, Salesforce, PepsiCo, Yale University, University of Notre Dame, The Aspen Institute, and The New York Federal Reserve Bank. He and his ventures have been profiled by The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Fortune, MSNBC's Morning Joe and NPR's Science Friday. He is the only guest to have ever ridden a bicycle onto the set of The Martha Stewart Show.

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