Olivier Kohler Booking Info

High impact business leader with an exceptional record transforming global business models across multiple industries and geographies. Consistent ability to identify and execute on differentiating competitive advantages through digital transformation, fostering growth, agility, and time-to-market. 1. Global Business Leadership: Led multi-billion dollars businesses with more than half of the revenue and employees outside the US. Versatile in managing diverse workforce and sensitive to a range of cultural and local business practices. 2. Enterprise Strategic and Digital Transformation: o Business Models Launches: Launched multiple new digital business models generating several hundred million dollars of new revenue, i.e. HP consumer e-commerce, Cisco One, hybrid cloud partnership. o Portfolio Optimization: Completed 30+ mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures representing multi-billion dollars in intellectual property and asset value to position the business for long term success. o Turnaround/Repositioning: Led several business turnarounds, including HP strategic alliances business from declining revenue, to delivering 9 quarters of double digits growth, generating more than one billion dollars of incremental sales at accretive margins. o Data Science/Artificial Intelligence: Piloted and implemented numerous use cases of machine learning, workflow automation, and cognitive business process evolution. 3. Operational Excellence: Used methodologies such as Agile, Scrum, Six Sigma, and Kaizen to continuously improve client experience by three to five percentage points and reduce costs by 25 to 30% on a yearly basis, delivering substantial EBITDA improvements. 4. Human Capital Management: Built diverse leadership teams, attracted and retained high performing talent, developed succession plans, and led professional development for global organizations across multiple businesses and industry segments.

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